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Learning happens everywhere.

But not all kids have equal access. Expanding community opportunities to Denver's vibrant out-of-school learning ecosystem allows youth to explore interests, meet needs, and connect with others.

Denver’s Out-of-School Learning Ecosystem

Explore a map of vital learning partners and providers in Denver who educate, connect, support, and inspire youth across the city.

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427 organizations

Explore Denver's Learning Ecosystem Three ways to explore Denver’s Out-of-School Learning Ecosystem

Visualize the system through these different lenses. What do you notice? What questions surface? What opportunities do the data present for collaboration, expansion or investment?

About the Project Learning happens anywhere, anytime

All students deserve learning and relationships beyond school walls.

Moonshot Fellow, Beau Houston, and students from her pilot testing out innovative learning models.
Moonshot Fellow, Beau Houston, and students from her pilot testing out innovative learning models.

Yet, opportunities aren’t equally available or accessible across communities for Denver youth.

Research shows the more access youth have to experiences in diverse settings, the larger their social networks, the more expansive their understanding of themselves and their world, the more people they have for support and guidance in life. Access to such connections leads to better outcomes for students, such as:

  • Better grades
  • Higher levels of engagement
  • Higher aspirations
  • More frequent participation in college-preparatory activities

For many parents, afterschool is a lifeline that helps them work without worry and balance their schedule.

  • 87% Of parents nationwide in favor of public funding for afterschool opportunities for students in communities that have fewer opportunities for children and youth Source
  • 80% Of parents say afterschool programs give them peace of mind and help them keep their jobs Source
  • 75% Of parents believe afterschool programming reduces the likelihood that kids will engage in risky behaviors Source
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    Moonshot annual Showcase event where Fellows share the out-of-system learning models they are launching.
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About our collective

RESCHOOL, Moonshot, and Embark have been actively resourcing and building Denver’s learning ecosystem alongside a diversity of community-based organizations, learning providers, youth, families, and funders across the city.

We joined forces to shift the narrative from building a brand new ecosystem, to better resourcing and coordinating the one that exists today—all in an effort to better serve the youth of Denver.

We teamed up to refocus the conversation—not to create a new ecosystem, but to strengthen the one already in place, ensuring it’s properly resourced and aligned with the needs of youth.